5 acne myths you need to stop believing!




5 acne myths you need to stop believing!

Acne. Doesn’t the word send shivers down your spine? There is nothing more annoying than going to sleep with a clear and healthy complexion only to wake up the next morning with a new zit bulging from your face. Where did it come from? What did you do to deserve this? And how on earth do you get rid of it??

Acne is a common skin problem
If you suffer from persistent pimple problems, we sympathise! It really is one of the most frustrating skin problems.

Asian skin, in particular, suffers from bad skin problems. This is due to a combination of the high amount of melanin (skin pigment) in Asian skin and a thin stratum corneum. The high level of melanin causes the skin to be more sensitive to inflammation, so when acne does happen the appearance of dark scars afterwards is more likely – dermatologists refer to this as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. As for the stratum corneum, this is the outermost layer of the epidermis and because this barrier is thin it makes Asian skin even more vulnerable to blemishes.


The result is that many people suffer from acne problems. But what’s annoying is that because we are all desperate for a solution, we are easily seduced by any acne myth that comes our way. To make life a little easier, and so you don’t do any further damage to your skin, we’re going to bust 5 acne myths right here, right now.


5 acne myths we’ve all heard at some point


Acne myth 1: acne is a teenage problem

Are you nodding at your screen right now? There is nothing more annoying than someone telling you “Don’t worry, you’ll grow out of it,” and all you’re thinking is But I’m an adult…I’m done growing! Sure, acne is most common amongst teenagers but unfortunately it is not limited to them. In fact, some people may have never had acne as a teenager and then suddenly start getting pimples in their 20s or 30s. This flies in the face of what conventional wisdom claims, and that is why it is a myth!


Acne myth 2: sugary and greasy foods cause pimples

There is no concrete evidence to support that eating sugary or greasy foods triggers acne breakouts. Getting grease on your skin could very well clog your pores, but who rubs pizza grease on their face anyway?? However, we’re not saying food never causes acne. If you have realised that every time you eat cheese you get a spot, then maybe cheese isn’t your friend. But there simply is not enough correlations between acne sufferers and their diet for specific foods to be red flagged. In most cases, acne has its origins in either unruly hormones or your genes. Thanks, Mum and Dad! And with regards to the cheese, studies have shown that the artificial hormones cows are treated with results in milk that, when consumed, knocks our hormones out of whack and causes (you guessed it) spots!


Acne myth 3: wash your skin problems away

You’ve got oily skin. You know that oily skin can cause pimples. Naturally, you start scrubbing. STOP! We know it sounds like it makes sense, but you’re actually doing more harm than good. Your skin needs its natural oils and if you wash them away all your skin is going to do is overcompensate to make up for the shortage. The result is even more oil than you had before, clogged pores and acne, acne everywhere! This applies to exfoliation too. Exfoliating itself isn’t bad, but do it in excess and your skin won’t be happy with you.


Acne myth 4: clear your spots with toothpaste

Toothpaste is for your teeth! So, who had the bright idea to put it on their spots? Hmmm. OK, we can actually understand where this bit of DIY came from. Toothpaste has baking soda in it, along with a host of other ingredients which can help dry out pimples. But it can also irritate because it’s not meant for your skin! Chances are if you get acne, your skin could be quite sensitive to begin with. This is a case of better the devil you know. Ditch the toothpaste and find a more pimple-appropriate alternative.


Acne myth 5: acne needs to get worse before it gets better

This is a particularly dangerous myth. You typically hear this from a well-meaning friend who has just discovered a new skincare regime. The problem with purge treatments is that by over-exfoliating the skin and forcing clogged pores to spurt pimples, you are risking permanent scars. Putting the delicate facial skin under undue stress is never a recommended route to blemish free skin. Skin care products that claim to cause dramatic changes in a short time-frame usually use harsh ingredients which can cause more harm than good if you have sensitive skin. Getting rid of acne is definitely more of a slow and steady wins the race situation.


Acne myths busted! If you’re on the hunt for a pimple-erasing solution check out our Co2 fractional Acne. Find out more here!


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